Exploring the souks and street markets in Morocco

in #travel6 years ago

Some of the finest crafts are displayed in the outdoor markets in Morocco. You can find anything from spices and herbs to pottery and even jewelries. It is so alluring that you end up spending hour after hour exploring. You can easily get lost and you can hardly get rid of the persuasive vendors. But this is the charm of Morocco. Explore with me...IMG_4337.JPGIMG_4281.JPGIMG_4112.JPGIMG_4148.JPG


muy linda foto saludos desde venezuela eres muy bella

Hey, thank you for your comment!

beautiful pictures from Morocco @intemporel :) I love all the colors and the lovely patterns on the china in the first picture - simply stunning! I hope one day to go there - a family friend of mine is currently teaching English and Music in Morocco. It really looks amazing from the photos.

Thank you very much! Trust me it is so magical. I never thought this country is so beautiful. I really hope you go there one day. My holiday to Morocco was definitely one of the best ones. Once again thank you for your comment and kind words :)

Welcome to Steemit @intemporel - we are glad to see you are off to a great start - making a few posts so far! Keep up the great work and we will keep an eye out for more blogs on your travels :)
~ABC's of Curation member @amariespeaks

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Thank you so much! I am so grateful and pleased! Will make sure to use your tag. Thank you for your support! Initiatives like those make us progress!

Did you survive the moroccan way of trying to sell you something? :D I have just been there a few months ago. Incredibly beautiful. Especially the coast. What places have you been?

Hey there :) I did survive, but I have to admit they were a bit annoying at some occasions, but it has its charm when you think back. I visited Marrakech, Rabat, Fes and the Blue City ( Chefchaouen). Really wanted to go to Casablanca as well, but unfortunately there was no time. Where did you go to?

I was in Marrakech and Agadir (but didn't like the hustle of the cities so much), we then went to the small coast towns to surf. That was just incredible. A completely different culture. Btw. I heard from many people that Casablanca wasn't that special anyways... :) thanks for the pics.. brought up some great memories!

Take care!

I love the colors and the patterns. You should check out @photocontests to start earning some points and votes on your photos. (I promise, this is not a solicitation, just a suggestion.) The rules are explained on their site, which is linked from their blog.

Oh really! Thank you so much for suggesting that! Will definitely check it out. Every suggestion is welcome and really appreciated! Thank you again!

In that case, I'll give you a few more! I'm holding a contest right now where I'm giving away a ton of shares to #steembasicincome, which means upvotes on all of your posts for life. Right now I don't have enough contestants, so if you enter, you're going to win at least one share. The contest is here.

Most of the entries there are suggestions for newbies, so you'll find LOTS of good advice in there. A great starting point is #newbieresteemday, which is the initiative that I'm highlighting in holding the contest. They were super helpful for me starting out.

Good luck!

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