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RE: Transportation Adventures: Three Tales of Woe in Kampala, Uganda

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

I have loved the way you describe your time in Uganda,i am a Ugandan Steemian!

The Uber showed up at 7.30. He then detours to a gas station to top up his tank. He actually picked me up on an empty tank. It was like a scene from Seinfeld, in the episode, The Movie, where Jerry was trying to get to his set, and the taxi driver decided to fill up his gas tank.

That above was so humorous to me hahaha.You are even lucky that he filled his tank! If you were a Ugandan passenger he would just lie down or bend his boda boda so that fuel moves up the tank!!!! Kinda like this pic below

Most of them ride until the motorcycle stops moving then they refuel hahahha


Lol! No way! This is just too epic! Thanks for dropping by! Just followed you!

Really epic hahaha

I might have one too many bus/bike/car broke down stories. This is from 10 years ago, somewhere in the middle of nowhere in China:
