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RE: United and Lemonade--Stranded in Chicago

in #travel6 years ago

Honestly in any sort of airport stranding situation, they will always refer you to the airline as they are directly responsible for the flights. The airlines are the ones who set you up with hotel and food vouchers if youre going to be stranded overnight or for a long period of time, not expedia. An hour and a half when going through security and customs in a huge airport is never enough time. Ever. You set yourself up for some major stress and especially if youre unable to run through the airport to get to a gate in time, which most travellers have had to do at least once. Expedia is just the middle man. Any emergency travel related things that happen and need adjusting during your trip, you will always be refered to the airlines. Because thats all expedia will do, is speak to the airlines. They arent responsible for refunds for missed flights and arent obligated to give complimentary modes of travel to passengers who miss the connections that they, themselves chose. Expedia honestly probably doesnt know the every single protocol of every airport in the world, something as small as a security checkpoint closing after a certain time isnt on their radar considering departure and arrival gates change constantly. Expedia would have no way of knowing that you would be going through that singular checkpoint out of dozens they have in the airport to even warn you if they could. All they do is make it easier for you to see all possible flights, hotels, car rentals etc possible from all companies so you can choose which one is best for you. That's it. Everything after that is your responsibility.