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RE: El Nido. Palawan, Philippines. What a Trip!

in #travel6 years ago

What a wonderful and well described journey you had Gilaine! I really enjoyed sharing in it with you, even the head banging bumpy van ride at the end!!!

So they do say Life's a Beach...and in this case they'd be bang on! SUCH a stunningly serene place which you have captured beautifully with your evocative photography!

I do hope your boyfriend fully recovered from the jellyfish sting and its healed up completely! It must have hurt like hell, as well as being very frightening for you, not knowing if it was deadly or not! I have heard, from Australian surfer dudes, that fresh urine washed over the sting can help relieve the pain and lessen the impact. But I suspect that might be a bit of a myth. Plus...ewwww!!!

Love following your posts - here in the UK in January its like doing a little arm chair travelling and brings a little ray of Gilaine sunshine in to brighten the grey gloom! ❤️☀️😎