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RE: ADSactly Travel - Where There's Beauty in the Japanese Alps

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

With the great Japanese Alps to the Snow Monkey Park, Nagano has endless opportunities for priceless memories.

Sounds very exciding! Friendly people especially when it comes to tourists. Hakuba shouldn’t definitely be put of the list while visiting Nagano. Afterall, it was chosen for winter ❄️ Olympics. Sounds like they are taking care very well of tourists and visitors when it comes to food and transportation. I was always tempted by Japanese food since it’s known for its healthy tradition. These images with monkey mother and her children are very cute. They are so curious and friendly, but they are also very sneaky. I always wonder what are they thinking about us, humans. Well, you just gave me an answer. 😆 ...
Great post and amazing memories 📝 !


They are very very sneaky...LOL. I saw one holding and looking at a mobile phone...looked like a Galaxy Note something....then a few minutes later, I heard someone looking for their phone....LOL. Gotta watch them with every eye available :) Have an awesome weekend!

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