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RE: Three Seasons in One Day

in #travellast year

Wow! Those were the mountains I wanted to see. They always talk about the Arizona desert, its canyons and red rocks. It must be awesome to see them so close. Is it my imagination or do you see on those huge rocks images of faces? You can tell they really enjoyed it and they are all "vaqueanos". Hahahaha. I think this is the first time I've seen your son. In the video I saw, I think, a figure of Chaplin, and I have read that in Sedona there is an artistic community with very interesting proposals. What do you say? Do you plan to attend any event of this type? I'm glad to hear from you. Take care of yourselves. Hugs, Eric


I would highly suggest visiting. Northern Arizona is a sight to behold. They have all kinds of names for the rock formations, Coffee Pot, Snoopy, etc. Yes! That was a statue of Chaplin in Jerome, AZ. There is a fairly big creative community here but not as large as it used to be. The high prices have driven a lot of struggling artists out to other towns. They still converge here for art fairs and showings though. Thanks and take care, Nancy! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.