Hakuna Matata from Zanzibar, Tanzania!

in #travellast year (edited)

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

I´m excited to finally share the location of our latest travel adventure with you. Yes, it´s Zanzibar, an amazing island that is officially a part of Tanzania :) We arrived yesterday after a very long and tiring journey that I will write about later and you can also definitely expect a lot of posts from me about this extraordinary place in future days, weeks and maybe even months as Tanzania is such an incredible country but for now, since our schedule is super busy and local wifi absolutely horrible (:D), let me wrap up this little African greeting with a few shots I took here earlier today :)





This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Hakuna Matata!💙🙏

Pole pole. Habari za leo? :)

Hey, you escaped and left us here! 😂
I'm glad you're there, so enjoy your staying.

Thank you Erika, already back to cold Europe so no worries! :D :(

Yeah! You're traveling at last!! Look forward to read your adventures!

Thank you :) Already back home but with tons of amazing memories and hundreds of amazing photos. It was our first time in Africa and we loved it.

I think I am not ready for a long distance journey yet :) I am looking forward to more posts about there. Enjoy your vacation mate ;)

Thank you mate! I took hundreds of photos there so you can expect a lot of posts about this stunning place here on my blog :)

Vánoce v tropech?
"Ochutnávka" vypadá dobře. Tuším, že jedna fotka určitě půjde do soutěže, takže předem
za použití #aroundtheworld :-)

Hezky si to užij a neupeč se :-D

Ještě jednou díky, že jsi mi tam něco vybral i bez linku u tvého postu. S internetem to tam bylo opravdu špatné, ale to byl asi jediný nedostatek. Afrika nás okouzlila a i vy se máte na co těšit. Udělal jsem tam něco kolem pětiset fotek, tak to sem postupně začnu hrnout :)

Píšu si. Pravidelný začátek výletu s ATW přesunout na Zanzibar a nejbližší okolí :-)

Tak veselé Vánoce v teple :)

Asante sana rafiki yangu! :)

Hey buddy!... I am glad you are evading in such an "African" way the cold winter!!!!.. haa haaa haaa haaa :))... Excellent!... I hope it's a wonderful adventure for you and everyone with you there!..... Keep enjoying!....

Thanks for sharing @phortun friend!!!

Thank you so much, we are already back home but it was absolutely amazing adventure and I cannot wait to share it with you guys through my posts :)

Definitely a nice change from snow to beach hehehe, stunning place, have fun!

Asante sana! Stunning place indeed and also super interesting and inspiring, you will see in my future posts ;)

No doubt about it! I'll keep an eye out for those travelogues about that exotic place.
Hey, what does Asante sana mean? :)

It means "thank you very much" in Swahili :)


Wow, didn't know you are traveling there. Months... Tanzania... I could go as well :)

I totally understand now how you fell in love with Africa man. I was thinking of you and your photos a lot as I was taking tons of similar shots. The locals are such lovely and inspiring people :)

Nice to hear that you are enjoying! Africa is so special.

Wao what a wonderful Island. Weather looks also cool. I wants to go there and some stay some days and see more beauty closely. Overall your photography is awesome. Bost picture is my favorite. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your kind feedback, I´m sure my future posts about this amazing place won´t disappoint you either ;)

maaaaan.. im so jealous..

Asante sana! :)

Wow, amazing… such a great destination @phortun 🤩😎 have lots of fun and do share many photos hehehe 🤭 can’t wait to see more.
Enjoy… so jealous hehehe

Thank you! No worries, I took some 500 photos there so I have a looot of great material for posts hehe :) I just checked your blog to see if you have already revealed your new destination and it seems that you haven´t yet so still waiting and wishing you a smooth move! :)

You are welcome @phortun
Wow… so looking forward to those captures 🤩😎

Nope, haven’t told the destination yet 😉 still in between / transit. We probably start traveling further end of next week. And I take you along every day of that next part 🤓
Thank you so much. I missed most of this week and haven’t posted updates until today… as I fell ill 🤒 but recovering now, luckily 🍀🍀

Have an awesome weekend and Happy New Year to you and yours 🎉🎉🍾🥂 all the best wishes!

Thank you very much! Happy New Year to you & yours too! :)

You are welcome! Thank you so much @photun 👋🏻😊🍾🥂🎉

Happy New Year 👋🏻🍾🥂🎉🥳

Amazing, looking forward to your next posts! 🙌

Thanks! Fresh Tanzanian posts coming soon so stay tuned :)

Tesim sa, ze ste vycestovali😊 ako dlho sa planujete zdrzat? Uzivajte! 🌴🌎🍹

Díky moc! Už jsme zpátky... Bylo to krátké ale hodně intenzivní. Afrika nás dostala :)

Jeden vyhledávař říká, že tam je právě 24°C, druhý 31°C. Zajímavé. Každopádně Ježíšek se na sáňkách do takových teplých oblastí asi nedostane. Slaví tam Vánoce?

Tak to byl ten první vyhledávač hodně mimo, pocitově to pod 30 nešlo ani v noci, natož přes den. Voda v oceánu i bazénu měla taky kolem třicítky. Jediné trochu chladnější místo, které jsme tam za celou dobu našli, byla zatopená jeskyně :) V rovníkové Africe holt slovo "zima" neexistuje...

Zanzibar je kvůli arabské koloniální minulosti z větší části muslimský, takže Vánoce se tam moc neslaví.

Wow! This sounds so exciting! And the place looks ... heavenly! 💙💙

Thank you! But that was just a very little sneak peek, a lot more is coming soon hehe ;)

I'm sure it was just dust in the eyes hahaha! The cool things are yet to come! Its really beautiful anyways! Breath taking! I'm sure you guys had a wonderful time there!

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Thank you guys!

What the fuks? You teleport around the world like a mad man.

I wish I was man, that 9 hour flight didn´t feel like teleport at all :D

Still, you cross the globe like a mad man. Just as I thought you'd settle in Czech homeland.

We actually are kind of settled here in Prague now (well, at least by our standards :D), the African trip was just a short adventure, we are already back to Czechia...

Užijte si pěkné exotické Vánoce. Jistě bude brzy následovat spousta fotek :-)

Děkuji :) A máš pravdu, pár set fotek jsem tam nacvakal :D

Wow friend @phortun, I hadn't stopped by your blog in a while. Congrats on the tropical warmth :) Thanks for sharing a little bit of magical scenery. Enjoy friend, greetings and blessings to you 👍

Thanks for taking a moment to visit my blog again, I really appreciate it :) Tanzania is a magical country indeed. I hope to prove it with my future posts :)

What a fantastic destination! Africa is magical, and I've heard a ton of great things about that island; waiting to read your reviews! Have a blast and Merry Christmas! !PIZZA

Thanks buddy! :) The place just exceeded all of our expectations, absolutely fantastic. The weather, the locals, the nature, the vibes... Everything. Hakuna Matata at its finest :)

So many places to visit, so little time! ;) Enjoy! !PIZZA

@tipu curate


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@pardinus(2/5) tipped @phortun (x2)
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