Good morning Alicante!

in #travel6 years ago

Hi Steemians! I recently started a one hour morning routine that includes walking on the beach and watching the sunrise. I will share my best images here. Hope you like them!


Congratulations @qrwizard,
Your post "Good morning Alicante!" hast just been resteemed !!!.😉😉😉
Just keep being with me. Cheers..

😝🙂😝 Thanks for being with FREE Resteem Bot @tow-heed😄😄😄

You should think about using the #goldenhourphotography tag for this post.

There is a group that curates photos and does a weekly post of the best goldenhourphotography

I like the way you caught the sun in between the trees.
The clouds around the sun make it look like an asteroid about to hit the earth, or a portal.

Thank you very much! I will definitely use that tag from now on.

The account @photocontests hold many contests if you look at the bottom of the previous post I sent you it sponsors 2 different tags everyday.

They are beautiful...

Thank you! I also have some videos of the sunrise. I will post them soon. Cheers

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