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RE: wednesday or as the locals call it ..... mercoledi

in #travel2 years ago

That's quite a start to the day.

Those first two pics look like they're out of some book about the supernatural XD (I'm sure that I've seen that second shot before in some book about the paranormal, and I'm equally sure that I'm probably misremembering, either way I'm sure it's one of those iconic shots which is probably why it looks familiar and it's just the black and whiteness adding to the paranormality)

So does your day end by travelling that 3km to watch the sun set or would the trip home be too hazardous? :D


hi there .... hope you are well. you must understand one thing.... my girl and i are fearless :) ... so nothings too hazardous/ on this monday past which was italy's most celebrated holiday 'the feast of something or other' ... and without giving it much thought accepted an sms'ed invite to join some long distance far removed family for lunch.
think about this... we do not know the etiquette around these type of invites, we do not know anyone and we do not speak the language.

it was stressful to say the least and seven hours and 11 courses later we arrived home. in fact lovely people, good food ... but we will definitely think twice before accepting that kind of invite again

That sounds like way too much food XD

is a culture thing .... even when lunch was finished pickles and preserved figs and and and ... was brought out. apparently when there are guests there must never be no food on the table .