Driving around in the Wilderness area.

in #travellast year

Driving around in the Wilderness area.


We decided to drive around for to explore the area, we drove over a pass, named the Hoogekraal Pass, the pass is quite low at 225m.

The road is a dirt road and seems to have been constructed in1882.


After the pass, we drove to the coast again and visited a few beaches.


The dune on the side of the beach is quite high from the beach, but luckily they do have some wooden stairs for easy access to the beach.


Below is a sign showing the various fish one catch and the legal sizes for the fish


We ventured down to this beach, which have a very long sandy stretch of sand.


This beach is a protected marine area and a nature reserve, with some nice walks one can do.


We really enjoyed the day, just looking at the area and the beautiful nature around.

I hope you enjoyed the post and that you have a wonderful day.


This photo is absolutely stunning! The colors and composition are perfect😍
Very beautiful view👌
I think you had a great time 😇

Thank you so much, yes we had a great time.

Beautiful out there bro

Thank you, this is one of my favourite parts of the country.


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It was more fun driving in such serene place. Thanks for sharing

Yes, we enjoyed it very much.