Last evening in Ballito!!

in #travel2 years ago

Last evening in Ballito!!


The last evening we were in Ballito, was a real rainy night, we wanted to sit outside for our dinner at Taso's, but as you can see, this would not be a good idea.


Instead we got a great window table, and were nice and cosy inside. My wife sipped on a nice glass of red wine, and I had a nice draft beer - one of South Africa's favourites, a Black Label!!


The restaurant was quite busy, with everybody enjoying the great food.


For starters we opted for some Oysters, served on ice, with some lemon slices!!


We both also choose the seafood curry, I had mine with mash potato and my wife had hers with rice!!


The food was great, the company better and we had a great evening out as the end to a great vacation. We enjoyed our break a lot and this was the perfect end to it!!

I hope you enjoyed the post and hope you have a wonderful day!!


I just salivate as I look at the food! 😋

Yes, it is making me hungry again!!


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