Enjoying My Steemit Mini-Retirement in Mexico...

in #travel8 years ago


Well, it's been forever since I posted on here but lately I find myself wanting to come back here. I still think Steemit is an amazing platform, I was sad to see Dan go and don't know what Steemit's future will look like but I still have hope for it.

There's obviously still a thriving community, and plenty of content being posted from all over the world so that's a good sign.

Anyways, I have been enjoying the last 5 months of my life living in Mexico off of Steemit and Bitcoin. I haven't earned a dollar this year other than the occasional affiliate payout from things I did in the past. And I want to make it a point to never earn another dollar again, haha what a goal!


Before Mexico I was traveling all over the Western United States in my 1993 Toyota Previa, which I owe a blog post too as well (my van that is).


There she is, at the top of Bear Tooth Pass in Montana, have you been? If not you should add that to your bucket list as it's easily one of the most beautiful drives in the United States, that and the road to Hana on Maui.

I'm not going to lie I've been powering down my Steem Power every week. Smart move? Well, probably not in the long run but I've been doing everything in my power to live strictly off crypto and Steemit has been a blessing.

And here's a random picture of my Dog Maverick :) We went to Sayulita and Puerto Vallarta this weekend in the Previa.


He'll be 14 years old in 2 months and is loving Mexico, there's lot of food dropped on the streets here (and garbage if you've been!)

I wish I could add more value to your life by writing some epic informative post about a super interesting topic but I'm not feeling too inspired at the moment. I've been up all week learning about PIVX, it's like Steemit all over again. I bought as much of it as I could afford to lose and have been staking it. I think it's a good Crypto to get into.

I've also been developing a few brands for one of my Bitcoin businesses, one is Bitnetworker.com

It's going to be a pretty cool resource for Bitcoin and Crypto Entrepreneurs. I love the logo and am working at this everyday. Along with another brand designed to help new people get acquainted with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.

I'm doing this because if you try helping the average person, especially people my parents age and older get switched on to Bitcoin it takes some time. I've spent a lot of time helping people set up wallets, make their first transactions, get setup mining/staking, etc. It may be easy for a lot of us but for your grandma it's a different story.


Thank you for reading. I have poor discipline when it comes to writing, I don't care if anything I write makes sense or not or if my grammar is shit. It's like going to the gym after eating mcdonalds everyday for a year, I haven't written in a long time. I think I'm just going to post images and tell stories about them I have thousands from my travels.




Wow! It's so nice to hear back from you! It's been such a long time.

Thank you. I just read your article about Dan the other day, it was an awesome tribute.

Thank you so much!

Thank you for your enthusiasm :)

I really love this post @silentpower great work!

That is dope. What a way to live. Revolutionary.

@humanearl Thank you! I'm doing my best to build the future and to do away with old paradigms by not putting my energy into them.

What has been the most challenging part about living this way?

Waiting for the rest of the world to catch up :)

Hi there @silentpower,

Very nice post. I have been thinking about travelling North America too like that so I googled "steemit Mexico".

Today I am in Hong Kong but I was not born here.

Nice flag. Good point to try to never earn a dollar. The fiat currencies enslaved us for such a long time and now is hopefully the time to forget about them and sort of build a new world.

Where are you now?