
Agreed all the trending posts are from bid bots. I think a good change would be for just author rewards to be shown on the post. Curation rewards could also be modified so bid bots are less profitable.

It would not be hard to make trending ignore paid votes, but some people could still abuse the system. I just want to see what the community actually likes. Reputation should not go up from paid votes either as you can just buy it now.

If a lot of whales flagged those posts to remove rewards it would probably help.

Posted using Partiko Android

People pay bid bots to get on trending. If we ignore bot votes, then that may reduce bots which may reduce whatever money that is invested in the bots, like ad revenue. Yeah, some of it returns to the pool and is then there to reward non-bot people to some extent which is good and even better in some cases but it may depend on a few factors. I would love to have more options. I would to have a non-bot trending. Make the search filters more like YouTube with more options. I want a feed that shows posts with the most comments. Also, an option to see the oldest posts or the newest posts of certain topics or the highest paid posts or the lowest paid posts and maybe even comments too. Maybe we can get a comment feed or allow the ability to resteem comments like people do Twitter and Gab. Thanks for being here. Upvoted.