Hello Steemies, it's me ;-). Let's change the world!!!

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemies,

I just joined your wonderful community here.

A good friend of mine (@spiritualpilot) told me about Steemit it sounds awesome.

My name its Thomas and I come from Hamburg/Germany, you call me Tommy.

I love adventures, nature and photo- and videography.

In my perfect world, we life way in harmony with mother nature and the world becomes one big community, that life’s in peace together and supports each other, no matter of origin, skin color or religion.

Travelling and sharing my experiences is my way to change the world and making it a better place.

Cultures can learn so much from each other and become so easily friends when they meet in person and share their stories, dreams and worries.

Adventure Squad Sumatra Indonesia.jpg

(I’m the blond guy with the blue shirt in bottom right corner. This is my Sumatra/Indonesia adventure squad, we hiked five days through the jungle near Bukit Lawang, searching for wild Orangutan, Elephants and Tigers.)

Most of the time I’m traveling with only hand luggage and I consider myself quite an fantastic travel equipment expert (= nerd 😉).

So if you need inspiration or help with your minimalist travel equipment don’t hesitate to write me anytime.

It would be awesome to meet here like-minded people and build a big community together.

You can expect here a lot of interesting travel stories, beautiful pictures and helpful travel hacks.

Feel always free to just say “Hi” and let me know that you are there and reading my stuff.

Cheers my friends!!!



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