New Zealand (Part 2) -TRAVEL BLOG- Taming mount Doom

in #travelfeed6 years ago

Part 2 of my New Zealand blog will bring us to mount Doom ( mount Ngarahoe ), 2291m high and one of the most active volcanos in the world with more then 60 eruptions since 1839!

Will write some about Blue Duck station, its located off the beaten track near Whanganui National park. This high-country station offers a glimpse into life in rural New Zealand.

And a quick impression of Wellington, New Zealands capital.

Lets start with mount Doom, this volcano was used as a model in the Lord of the ring's movies and is part of the tongariro alpine crossing, known as one of the most spectacular hiking trails on the northern Island of New Zealand

During my journeys ive seen many people walking up hills , mountains or even long trails true all kinds of nature on slippers and bad shoes. Dont make that mistake when you do this hike!!
It is a serious walk that takes atleast 6-8 hours (extra climbs not calculated) and the volcanic soil which is mainly tons of loose stones and grid that needs good footwear.

The first 1,5 hours start off pretty steep, dont go too fast, you will need your energy later on! Ones you made your way up you will have an easy part, walking between the mountain tops. Ofcourse i was crazy enough to climb the 3 mayor peaks also , this is optional and i would only recommend it if you are in a good shape.
I was.....i had been backpacking for 4 months already and did lots of other trails prior to this one! Then again ....i was, this is a couple of years back, i should work on that :-(

For me this was one of the best expierences on the northern Island, it was so beautiful and a nice challenge!

Always remember that going down with tired legs migth even be worse then going up, take enough rest, bring lots of sugary food for energy and Always bring too much water!

I met some nice guys walking the same tempo like i did so i had good company on my way and damn did the beers later that evening taste good

Next up was Blue duck station, a great place if you want to feel what country life in New Zealand feels like, its kind of a backpackers accommodation where you can do all sorts of activities like horse tracking, hunting and kayaking, meanwhile the work with the sheeps and so on continue and its great to see! I really have to mention this place cos i had an awesome time there!

unfortunately i had a problem with my camera and wasnt able to take pictures during the hunting trip and kayaking, i hope i dont offend anyone but the goat tasted delicious during dinner!

Good thing i already took some pictures of this amazing waterfall

Wellington was the next stop, more then 10% of the population lives here (500 000 people) and feels like a city, not a big one but only in Auckland and Wellington i had that city feeling, for the rest its mainly small towns.

As a sports fan i had to visit a rugby game so i bougth a ticket for the Wellington Lions at the Westpack stadium.

I stayed a few nights at Wellington, night life is good and befor going to the south Island i had to charge my battery again!

In the next blog:

Abel Tasman national park and Franz Josef glacier!


Super cool post! Going up those rocks on slippers, that's what I call being a true badass hahaha

Hope this year I get my working holiday visa so I can go up there too!

Thank you! i hope you will have a great time in New Zealand!

Next week ill write part 3!

Super! I'll be waiting.

What a great adventure! :-)
I was in Australia once ...New Zealand is still on my list

@spreadfire Thank you, you really should visit New Zealand! Compared to Australia its a lot easier to travel since distances are not so big!

I really like volcanic mood, too! My first volcanic mountain was in Tagaytay, Philippines. It was fantastic! :-) Thank you for posting traveling in NZ part 2, luckyme!!

that's a great place ... I hope to see myself again..good luck in steemit :)

@n00ne thank you for your comment and upvote! It is a beautiful country!
Please feel free to follow me for more travel blogs!

Have a great weekend

WoooW! I really love vulcanoes!! :) Awesome footage! Unfortunately i didnt make it to this incredible place when i was in new zealand, looks like i really missed something :(

Looking forward to more of this, keep it up :)

Thank you Minatubo!

If you ever go back, dont skip this place!!

Very cool adventure I will love the hike I think I'm in good shape , I hoe I'm not deceiving myself lol... your post actually inspired me to go hiking we have a couple of spots in South Africa here where I just have to make time to explore.
Great content about New Zealand @luckyme03200 thanks for sharing

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