SketchTravel – Driving in Umbria, Italy

in #travelfeed2 months ago (edited)

So many charming scenes

A quick pencil sketch with color added later

hilltop village in Umbria Italy.jpg

Renting a car was the best way to get around in central Italy’s hilly areas of Umbria and Tuscany. I always take the back roads whenever possible, avoiding the highways. It takes longer to get places, but the country scenes are so worth it. One of the drawbacks is that these old narrow villages were not made for cars and parking. This often results in missed sketching opportunities, having nowhere to pull over on a moment’s notice. Additionally, all kinds of vehicles use these small roads including delivery trucks and tractors. Clearly the driver needs to be alert at every moment to avoid a possible collision.

This sketch was done very quickly in pencil, then rendered more carefully later once we arrived at our room – the price I had to pay to get a sketch.

My sketchbook

I sometimes use a pen with brown ink in it to soften the feel of my typical black pens. This was done using a quill or fountain pen in brown ink, where I dip the pen nib in ink and can vary the line weight by adding or reducing pressure.




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