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RE: Why Are We Moving To Puerto Vallarta Mexico?

in #travelfeed2 years ago (edited)

When we began to pursue these, often a door would open, but then the door would close shut. This happens when an opportunity is not for you at this time, I’m sure you can relate. And it’s vital to notice not just the opening of the doors, but the closing of them too.

Yes, we have been going back and forward for a few years after we arrived in Hungary, to find our next destination and doors kept closing constantly. It was not our destiny to end up in South America at the time, so now we are in Spain :) Which all makes sense now!

My angel/divine number is 222, so normally at least 4 times a day I will see this number and again this gives me the guidance that I am on the correct course and direction. Do you notice any reoccurring numbers in your day? I invite you to pay attention this week and please let me know below.

My life path number is the master number 33 and I see it so often. I love these numbers and yes, I'm always aware of them!

So, as I began to look into this new place, I was guided to look on a website called Workaway, a place for work opportunities. And there was ONE on there that jumped out at me. After I completed some research and ‘felt’ it out a bit more, I applied.

How cool! When we left Holland some years ago, we had our daughter (3 months old at the time) and left to a workaway journey in Spain for just 2 weeks with the rest in the unknown. Eventually, we managed to stay at 3 hosts and 2,5 months later we settled there for a small year. It was one of the coolest experiences this workaway journey, I'd recommend it to everyone...

Can't wait to read more about your new journey! I'm sure it will be awesome! <3



Interesting @thisismylife absolutely we have to keep our minds open to feel where we are meant to be and what we should be doing.

When I did my numerology here at
I had the following.
Life path 9
Expression number 4
Soul urge number 1

2 balance
7 trust
9 integrity

It's all so fascinating and very accurate.

Yes agree about Workaway, so cleaver and awesome way to meet and connect with other souls.
