
Very beautiful, it gives a feeling that the trees are sleeping, I like when there is snow on the branches, gives impression of a blanket :)

Thank you for the comment. It was my thought also. After winter the spring are coming.

Posted using Partiko Android

Love the first shot with the mountains. Second shot made me sad. Seems winter is winning. The tree is depressed.

Yes it looks a little depressed 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Love these, the atmosphere you've captured is amazing!

Thank you for nice comment. I am God you liked them😊

Posted using Partiko Android

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I'm already freezing by looking at the pictures. Stay safe there and great photos. :)

Thank you😊 wish you all the best.

Posted using Partiko Android

I wonder if I can survive this extreme coldness of this place.
Nice photos you have this from a Nikon or Canon camera?

Thank you for nice comment and visit. I use A canon 5D MIII.

Posted using Partiko Android

its so beautiful, it gives motivation feeling that i will stand even if the life become harder .
thank you

Thank you for nice comment and visit 😊

Posted using Partiko Android