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RE: The biggest tree in Tennessee; The Birthing Tree.

in #treetuesday4 years ago

I bought our property in North Florida because of a tree... You could walk up the limbs from the ground. Using the charts for Live Oaks. Ours was nearly 20 feet girth. So it was in the 120 year age range.

1B4  After Clearing.jpg

And that fickle bitch mother nature took it from me...

King Shit o Turd Tree.JPG

It took a long ass time to clean up the mess... 2+yrs.
Top Cut 4.JPG

Florida's oldest standing live oak is The Cellon Tree. About 30-40 minute drive southeast of where mine was... See it at this link.


HOLY SHIT! The only other tree I've seen as cool as this was the Octopus Tree on the Oregon coast. These trees got to be several hundred years old. If the Redwoods are 2000 years old trees I don't see why we can't have Oak trees that live longer than we think.