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RE: Lichens on trees: Treetuesday by @old-guy-photos

in #treetuesday6 years ago

I like the theme sir :-) "Lichens!" Not many would consider that, just goes to show you are commited to your art form; always creating from scratch. Deer are flighty little devils, are they not? One glimpse and they are gone. But wildlife or not, these are some very engaging shots :-)

I really apreciate those little random facts about things. I have heard of Lichens but never really investigated them in detail, but from what you have shared here it looks like I had missed out on some quite interesting knowledge there. As a writer I'm always drawing upon random facts here and there to expand my creativity and this has actually helped in it's own little way.


Thanks Westley, I can't help it but to try to pass on knowledge whenever I can. In whatever way I can. I'm a teacher. It's what I do. :)

You do it well sir :-)