Racism In The CryptoCurrency World?

in #trevonjb6 years ago (edited)

It's hard to believe it right? But nah... As long as Trump is in office there will be an influx of over/under privileged people who are given the voice of Caucasian supremacy just because they think it's going to "Make America Great Again" and they use this minute privilege whenever and wherever they can to the fullest extent of it's ridiculous laws.

The real issue I have is that I can't turn on my laptop or phone or go on Instagram or facebook or twitter or any social media site or cryptocurrency blog for that matter without hearing about BitConnect and @trevonjb. All these over/under privileged people complaining about the money they lost or spent or were "scammed out of" by whom? They didn't make the decision to invest on their own they didn't load their money and they never collected a cent from the daily interest payouts from Bitconnect or any other platform they joined. Nooooo.... they didn't do it. Which makes them the smartest dumb people on the planet. Why would they invest in something they didn't do the research on themselves, right? So if these over/under privileged people don't take responsibility for their own actions then who do they blame for their lack of market research and due diligence...? Guess who...the only two Negro's of course... Trevon James Or Criag (don't remember his last name but you know who I mean) or both.

Hey Caucasian America aka (Trump World) listen, if they (Trevon James and Criag) literally "scammed" you or told you to invest without a disclaimer stating that they are not financial advisors and you should never take their advice...then I get a little where you whiners are coming from. Someone "scams" you and you want to expose them cool do it! It helps the whole cryptocurrency space when the light gets shone in the dark places. Ok cool that's fine with me chase the scammers and shed a light on the unclean dark places of cryptocurrency so we can all be safer...from me you'll always hear right on brother! However, you can't un-teach stupidity or laziness, or the lack of the ability to know how to research the market you're getting into and/or the want to do your own market research, especially when buying something or investing.

Now lets talk...andIt's all love but I gotta talk to yall man to man (because the men are the ones crying this time).

It has come to my attention that there is a bit of racism and prejudice in the cryptocurrency world and it's coming from one race of people in particular and not really anyone else or any other race or nationality. The hate is aimed at two of the most prominent Negros in cryptocurrency as I mentioned earlier Trevon James & Craig...yes the Bitconnect promoters who everyone knows for making millions on Bitconnect. I figured it out though ! LOL Is this all cuz they're Neros with more money than most Caucasians right now? Or maybe it's because they still have money and you lost a lot of your money because you're a follower...lml good for yall followers...cuz all I hear is yall saying the two dark-skined guys are to blame and need to go to jail, as if they created the coin or the platform. I've lost money in cryptocurrency, I used people's links that were posted on youtube but never once did I go back to their page and blame them for something they have no control over and I certainly never wanted them to go to jail...jail!? Do you know what you're saying? Jail bruh, for investing in a platform he believed in like we all did who invested and was posting his daily returns and comments about the experience...? Like if somebody show me his kicks (sneakers) tell me they fit nice and are comfortable, then I go buy them and break my ankle who do I blame for that the person who said his kicks are comfortable or the sales person, because according to yall blaming myself is the last thing I should do. C'mon now...yall going overboard for real. Blame Bitconnect...

It's crazy to me because, I've seen the Bitconnect grandma (Caucasian), I've seen a guy named john (Caucasian), Kevin (Caucasian) shit I could provide links for multiple accounts of multiple races for you chauvinistic bastards if you want, if the posts are still up that is of course. Still, the fact is the ones I mentioned, yes, they are all Caucasian and no one not one person is saying put them in jail or stop them or that they are "scammers"... but hey if you could, I know you tighty whities would turn steemit and cryptocurrency into the definition of Caucasian power/supremacy luckily there isn't enough of you to win at anything. Don't attack my people it's unethical and tasteless.