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RE: Managing the voting power of multiple staked tokens - 3

in #tribe5 years ago

How are you managing the downvoting? Does that use the same method. I've not been bothered much about downvoting but I'm getting so fed up with these multi-tagged posts which have nothing to do with the tag.


Yes it's the same method - in the JSON there is a multiplier for that too but I didn't mention it as not to confuse. I have set it the same as the upvote multiplier but that one could be good for the 100 x multiplier so you only 'waste' 1% of your Steem VP issuing a 100% downvote (which is free on many tribes).

I'm getting so fed up with these multi-tagged posts which have nothing to do with the tag.

This is annoying as hell. Just because people have staked the token they think they should be OK including the tag. Err, no!