
I'd like a list of top 25-50 contenders for top 20 with a brief summary of what they specialize in and what they envision for the short and long term for HIVE. That would go a long way, in making it easier for the community to get involved, but more than that. HIVE has the potential to subtly and incidentally teach us how we should demand to be governed until we can transition to leadership from governance. I'd like to see occasional leanings in that direction. For example, if you haven't cast or delegated all of your votes, you periodically get a pop up of the list I mentioned above. Once or twice a year we should create and send out simple yes/no vote tokens for propositions of magnitude so everyone knows they have a role to play and can watch it play out without tampering. We (society) need to set our expectations higher and blockchain tech can play a role in that as well I think.

While I certainly see the merit of a system like that I think it would be challenging for new witnesses to make any headway into the top 50. There are some exceptions but I think it might end up causing less people to try and make a witness with it being that challenging. I could be wrong for sure but it would be best if they do end up implementing the witness decay vote that blocktrades is toying around with getting to work. After a year I think it is, a witness vote goes away and you have to redo it. Don't know how it will all work but that's the best scenario I think. Then I think more people will delegate to someone who is actively on top of that, to vote in a witness proxy trail.

Just knowing someone is thinking about it with the skill to implement something is refreshing. Anything that encourages people to actively engage or ensure someone responsible is engaging on their behalf with the best interest of the chain as a whole in mind is better than what we have now. I'm eager to participate and I'm still one of the many who hasn't thought about it since the fork. 🤷‍♀