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RE: Over 200 Creators!! Big Updates, Tweaks, and Announcements on the Rapidly Growing @TribeSteemUp Project!

Well, that didnt take long.
Im not delegating to anybody with more than 500k sp, my 50sp are more helpful to someone that has a vote that rounds down, ie, less than 150sp.
Ive also only been getting one vote per day.
I dont guess i need to ask why.

Im still following the trail, but i vote alot of folks, mostly with less than 500sp, many of them in venezuela and africa, so i cant see voting folks that need the votes less.
If this disqualifies me, well, so be it.
I dont sell my principles for cash, even when i need the money.


That's another part of the reason I removed the delegation/investment side, because most folks were putting in less than 1000 sp, and it can be of much more value in other ways.

You're set to 2/day like everyone else. I've been off the computer since Friday at a retreat, and will just be getting back to it in a couple hours and I'll take a look.

If this disqualifies me, well, so be it.
I dont sell my principles for cash, even when i need the money.

The great thing about this project, and another benefit of losing the investment side, is that I just get to put people on the list who are creating aligned content, with no expectations of them. Those that support the others on the list I am grateful for, and those that don't are free to do whatever they want :-)

Thanks, kenny, you have made it possible for me to continue my adventure here in mexico!
I was looking at having to go back, and not relishing the prospect of the rectal exam at the border.

Im staying on the trail, but i need to save some vp for downvoting abuse, so my autovoter cuts off at 92%, but whenever im away, those votes are all for the group.