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RE: Over 200 Creators!! Big Updates, Tweaks, and Announcements on the Rapidly Growing @TribeSteemUp Project!

Kokesh is a quasi-scammer, snake oil salesman politician that wants to centrally, via a federal election, plan the redistribution of resources (not via the market, but via he and his "custodians"), has threatened 9-year-old children and women, and calls anyone (usually former staffers and girlfriends) who disagrees with him "mentally disturbed," while upvoting comments calling for "hits" to be placed on people, and calling for the entire Voluntaryist movement to "drop the ideology."

Google "Shield Mutual Adam Kokesh"

Search Steemit for "Kafka Kokesh" to see the extensive list of posts I have made regarding this guy.

If you'd like to see screenshots corroborating my claims here message me in Steem chat. The Kokesh 2020 campaign is a stain on the face of real freedom and voluntaryism.