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RE: Immigration Or Segregation? My response to a controversial post.... and the TSU Question Of The Week - What does TSU mean to me...

Thank you for this lovely post about such an important topic.

No good can come from simply blaming "immigrants" or an entire race of people for their problems.

We are ALL human. We are all one. We are all made from the same SOURCE, from the same energy. And I think we need to begin seeing each other as our true brothers and sisters - no matter their appearance, or where they come from. We are all spiritual beings living a human existence. I think if we constantly blame others for our misfortune, we are allowing ourselves to be weak and helpless. We ALL have the power to make big, positive change in our own lives, and to shape and create our own realities. But one of the first steps to this is taking responsibility, and owning your own power and your own ability.

Those who continue to play the blame game are going to be left to a life of misery, always finding something to complain about and someone to blame for it.

Life is about being joyful. Life is about loving. Acceptance, and tolerance. I look forward to the days when immigrants and people of different cultures will no longer be used as a scapegoat for the problems of a nation.

All beings deserve love. All beings deserve peace.

Thanks for the post Alex.