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RE: STEEM is still not Steemit, even if Tron buys Steemit.

in #tron4 years ago

I disagree, but time will tell. Steemit sold its entire token control package, and that's enough to massacre the project. But they keep many projects alive. It's STINC that employs programmers, it's STINC that has the most popular and best working node, it's about them that you have thousands of videos on Youtube.


That's a good point and an important perspective. If they were to destroy Steem, they would do it with their tokens, and I did cover that potential in my post. If they were to destroy Steem (and Steemit along with it or take the brand and try to move it over to a Tron chain), then I imagine a core committed group we continue on as before, just with less support from exchanges, wallets, etc.