Biden sucks, vote Biden!

in #trump4 years ago

As a @berniesanders supporter, I endorse this campaign song by Danny Bradley, for Current Affairs magazine.

I'd be indifferent about tomorrow's elections if Trump had shown any respect for Americans' lives with regard to COVID-19. He didn't even need to have an Asian-style effective public health policy to remain populair enough to be re-elected. He missed a big chance to make everyone rally around the flag by taking the threat seriously, while protecting people's jobs and income with government subsidies, in a more reliable way than the huge but incidental packages that were distributed. He could even have used the opportunity to give himself more power in something like the PATRIOT Act.

Instead, Trump downplayed the first wave while he knew how bad it was. He let Jared Kushner sabotage a national response, partly because blue states were hardest hit. During the second wave, he organized super-spreader events and he may have infected others himself.

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Cleverness and short-term thinking are biting the Republicans in the ass now. You can't lie 20,000 times in 4 years without losing some of your credibility. You can't base your permanent campaign on 'triggering the libs' and 'any publicity is good publicity' without losing some sympathy with independent voters. You can't keep doing everything to limit voting rights in certain areas without people wondering why you're so afraid of democracy. You can't keep stiffing contractors without consequences like literally leaving your supporters out in the cold after a rally. You can't keep telling citizens that government is dysfunctional and filled with profiteers without them realizing that you are the government.

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You can't get voters worked up about Hunter Biden, when you've led the most corrupt and nepotistic administration ever, seeing a string of former staffers get indicted. You can't tell people there's no money to help them pay the rent when you've been handing out tax breaks to the rich and fat contracts to the defense industry. You can't ram through a Supreme Court nomination, breaking your own precedent from the previous election season, and expect the other side to abide by unwritten rules.

Remember that Trump doesn't even have a platform for his second term. And the GOP was happy to give him a blank check.

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I'm betting at least 330 Hive that Biden will win, and I could triple my money with the current odds. Other prediction markets are also overestimating Trump's chances, but this is the only place where he's clearly the favorite.

When Trump loses, Republican politicians like the squirming senators Graham, Cruz and Rubio will start to distance themselves from Trumpism again. Don't let them get away with it.


I care more about Trump losing than Biden winning. The longer he is in power the more damage he does to the US, the world and politics in general. He really does just care about himself. This experiment in having a 'celebrity' as president has failed. Sometimes politicians are the right people for the job. At least they understand the consequences of their actions.

I have been pondering doing my own post on this. It may get some hate, but I need to get it out. I doubt I could influence many/any votes.

We need a decisive vote so he can't dispute it.


Thanks for speaking out! I think even the Biden campaign will be happy to have people talk about Trump until everybody gets sick of hearing his name.

I moved to the left during these four years, and the song I borrowed the title from is part of a debate on the left: vote for Biden, vote third party or don't vote? The argument against voting for Biden is that the Democrats should earn it by offering the people something tangible like health care, while Trump didn't start any new wars (because he got bored with military briefings).

Before this year, Trump seemed not as dangerous as I'd originally expected, but that was just because he didn't face any crisis not created by himself.

Some say Trump would have a better chance of winning if COVID had not happened, but he still did a lot of bad stuff and showed that he's not capable of doing the job. Biden is some compromise candidate. Is there really nobody younger than him or Bernie they can put up? They learnt that Clinton was unpopular last time. It's all a mess, but the first step to clearing it up is get rid of DT.

You’ve read a lot of news

Yeah, that's my Twitter addiction. Trump did entertain us, I have to admit that's one thing he's good at.

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