The New Admin Change : Pompeo for AG, Bondi For Sec of State, Flynn For FBI director ! Let's rumble !

in #trump4 years ago (edited)

Dear Donald,

I watched the NC speech, excellent, loved the "tam tam" in the background ! So cool :).

But let's get serious...

- Pompeo

No one can doubt his patriotism and engagement to the Republic ! We can disagree on issue, or even style. But I firmly believe that he would be a TERRIFIC AG ! The bowling ball in this pit of perdition.

However, Mike Can't Do It Alone !

- Another Mike, Flynn...

For FBI director !

There we go ! Let's bring a professional whose patriotism isn't even to discuss or argue, bring expertise, determination, and a calm but serene and afirm resolve to right those wrong at the FBI. I am sure he would get quickly a 100% approval from the troops there.

Furthermore, backed by Pompeo as AG...

Finally Pam...

Okay it was a fiasco her little speech at the FL rally... I exagerate, and don't want to be mean, but realistic. There is enough time to improve this "public crowd speech skill". I can imagine that to be easier to critize than to do, but she clearly didn't "make" it.

For this she needs two things :

  • 1 to take Hip HOOOOP course... yeah, may sound strange to some, but she needs to become more fluent in "flow speech". I know her words were very clear, but it lacks engagement, more soul !

  • 2 to become Sec of State ! This is the perfect gateway to really cut, trim and burn all hope for the opponent side.

What will they be able to say? And more importantly, she will have 2-3 years to train her public speech, find her issues, learn about everything we need for her to become POTUS ! However her TV skills, are already TOP, and that's a big positive !

Aren't my proposal exceptional? Yes they are...

for what?


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