I am a visual and kinesthetic learner,,,

in #tutorial8 years ago

If you show me a picture of a thing I can probably build it for you, be it wood, concrete, or steel. As a visual and kinesthetic learner I sometimes have trouble converting complex concepts - such as those found in Steem currency - to drawings or geometry that translates to my understanding. I've had to watch many Youtube videos and Scribd presentations to understand the basics of blockchain technology. The content creators who best served my purposes did so without compensation.

I am calling out to those who have the knowledge and skills, to create a diagram, picture, presentation or the like, that can help me understand the trinity between Steem, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars. I just cannot seem to wrap my head around how these three things are supposed to work together. Unless I miss my guess, there are quite a number of folks who will be coming to this platform that would benefit from such a thing.
