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RE: Star Trek: Discovery - World Premiere Tonight 😀

in #tv7 years ago

The only series I'm 100% sure I have seen from A to Z are DS9 & Voyager. I started getting interested in Star Trek by watching & taping (on VHS) the late evening ''lost in the Delta quadrant crew'' reruns on FOX. After more than a year of doing that I got to watch it in its entirety. Then I bought DS9's seven seasons on DVD. These are my two favorites. I must have seen three-quarters of TOS & TNG's episodes, and I'm not sure if I have even watched​ half of those of Enterprise. I've seen some from the animated series and all the movies. If you didn't like the 2009 movie, don't bother with the one that came out in 2016. I relatively liked the 2009 and the next one, but I hated Star Trek Beyond for its plot.