21 Days of Kindness Day 5: Take What You Need

in #twentyonedaysofkindness4 years ago (edited)

Hello, Beevians! It's day five of the 21 Days of Kindness challenge, and today I went out and put up a couple of "take what you need" signs:

TWYN 3.jpg

Sign #1's options are: Knowing, Compassion, Understanding, Strength, Joy, Peace, Courage, Hope, and Love

TWYN 1.jpg

Sign #2:

TWYN 4.jpg

Belonging, Fulfillment, Meaning, Purpose, Self Worth, Health, Abundance, Safety, Home, Community, and Friendship

TWYN 2.jpg

And I didn't even realize until just now typing this that I put the one with "health" as an option right near a hospital. :D

I wrote these out yesterday (this was not the craftiness I was hoping to start yesterday, but I did start some of that today... ), but I didn't go out to hang them until dusk. It was 101ºF today, so I decided to wait and see if it cooled off a bit. It's a balmy 89ºF right now, so ...kinda? ;)

The current forecast for Tuesday is a low of 26ºF and it still keeps shifting between rain or snow. I am really worried for homeless people, because that is a 75º drop in DAYS and that is wildly hazardous to be outside in. Add to that, there is a proposed "sweep" of one of the encampments on that very day (a "sweep" is when they show up with cops and dumpsters and literally force everyone to leave and throw their belongings away if they don't carry them off fast enough. Yes, they toss what little people have who have almost nothing. Yes, they will do it to their survival gear like tents and blankets in the middle of a snowstorm. Yes, they will also throw away people's wheelchairs if they aren't currently sitting in them at the time and their medication and paperwork and EVERYTHING. Yes, I live in a horror show of a cruel ass country). The courts even ruled that Denver's "urban camping ban" is illegal, but they still enforce it. It was ruled doubly illegal during a pandemic, when they were directed to stop doing that by health officials, because it's literally safer for people to be in their own individual tents and hopefully the city could provide (they don't, but at least one local org does what they can) port a potties and handwashing stations, than for everyone to be packed together in a shelter, spreading covid, but what did the city do? They made MASS SHELTERS in an arena and other big buildings and crammed even more people together, not socially distanced, and continued to sweep camps. Yes, there have been breakouts of covid at those shelters. Murica. (sad trombone)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway. I wish I had tons of money to help people, but I can only survive with a lot of help from my friends as it is, so I do what I can with what I have. We all gotta stick together. <3

TWYN 5.jpg
the clouds were wild when I was out

Please join me in the 21 Days of Kindness challenge! Any little act counts, just tag it #twentyonedaysofkindness so I can find you! :)

Until next time, bee good! <3


Great initiative

Thanks, Dave! Hope you are well!

Doing great here at Buttermilk Ranch..

Is that the name of your property in Oregon? LOL

I'm in Alamosa..

Ahhh okay. I just thought you had given it a name maybe.

That's the name of the property here in alamosa

Thank you @phoenixwren, for using the CO2 Compensation Coin (COCO) to reduce your CO2 footprint.

It seems to be a sad fact of life that those who give a damn are rarely in a position to be able to do much for others. Yet they still do as much as they can.

Yeah, like - I'm friends with people who want to win the lottery to share it with all their struggling friends and family and others, meanwhile the billionaires of the world are like ¯\ _(ツ) _/¯