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RE: Me suspendieron la cuenta de Twitter | My Twitter account has been suspended

in #twitterlast year

Be very careful with what you put into your Twitter account. I have been suspended twice over the 14 years since I joined Twitter. That first time, I appealed by email to them and got my account back after about a month or so, and that was about 10 years ago now. I was very careful not to have another breach yet again I got suspended; this time took about a year to get my account back!

No reasons for these suspensions were ever given. I suspect both my suspension arose by retweeting from sites that pay either in credits to be used for that site's internal advertising, or in tokens of some sort. If you use Twitter to generate any sort of perceived income, you may get suspended. By the way, I have been told bluntly by Twitter that if I have any more transgressions then my account may be deleted.

Don't blame Twitter as suspensions are covered in their legal documents. When you joined, you would have agreed to accept the terms and conditions and other legals.

Hope my comments help - Ian.


Thank you, Ian. I think it makes sense. They can do whatever they want with the Twitter accounts. It's theirs, not ours.

I already have something prepared in case my account is not restored.