Let there be light

in #ua6 months ago

What is the best pick-me-up in the middle of the long series of gray, almost colorless days and longest nights? When there is no sun, no moon, no stars, even no sky, only one solid, endless greyness, the mixture of clouds and fog...

It's easy to hate the winter, especially the winter like this, especially in Ukraine. But it's Christmas time! It has always been family time for me. And for my daughter. A lot of cooking. I cooked traditional Ukrainian lenten dishes for Christmas Eve, and other dishes for the next 3 days when we visited relatives and had guests at home.

Those were probably the merriest days in the year when all the family sat at one table, shared meals and sang Christmas songs. It was always 10+ people, not counting kids, sometimes 13, sometimes more. I miss that special ambiance and people. Many of them have passed away, year by year.

Sometimes it was tiring, especially when Nataly was a small kid, all these endless cooking, baking, washing dishes, all in the small kitchen (maybe 7 square meters) with my mother-in-law. Our small flat was crowded with noisy guests, screaming kids. I begged for some privacy and silence. Now I have both with interest.


I have learned during warfare not to make plans until the last minute and not to be upset until the last. Or to be ready to change my plans at the last moment. Today I found out what day of the week is Dec 25th. Monday. My colleagues discuss holidays. I have no plans so far. There is a great chance to celebrate be home alone on Christmas. The worst scenario... Or not yet the worst. To be in a heated room, sitting on the sofa, watching whatever or reading a book, with a glass cup of a "favorite beverage". Compared to the sleeping bag in a cold basement of a dilapidated building or trenches with mud and water - seems my case is not the worst at all. Besides, until it's Dec 25th there is a chance that Nick will get home. And the glass is half full. I will do my part and wait for what the universe sends me.

I didn't decorate my flat for Christmas last year, the only exception was the Christmas Tree. But we had each other, me and hubby, and we had his brethren as our guests. And this year, I decided to get out and use all my Christmas decorations that I could find, for him if not for myself. Fake it until you make it.

Ah, the good news is that today my mobile provider fully recovered their services for clients. Calls, SMS and mobile Internet. Now I can leave the house and not be afraid that I won't be able to get back because I can't turn off the security. Also, I finally received the last parcel from China that I ordered on 11/11. Well, just a month and a week, it's nothing. And what is in there? The lights! So tiny, not as in the photo, but this is the feature or peculiarity of shopping on AliExpress - what you will get is always a surprise.😄


So with the new "Fairy Lights" my mini (or micro?) Christmas Tree looks like this:


What about the rest? It wasn't that simple because I have no idea where my hubby stores the decoration stuff. I found some but have a feeling that a significant part of it is still missing. Nick texted me and gave a clue where to look, and I found a box with the lights. But the main thing - the Tree - is in our cell in the basement and only Nick can get there. So... maybe I will buy something small and affordable as the car repair ate up my budget.


I was looking for something beautiful and festive for this post, according to the season. And I have something. Pictures of my friend's Christmas Tree that I and my workmate decorated. It was a kind of spontaneous home party for just 3 people.


BTW, here is another example of how small is our world. The man whose car I ran into a couple of weeks ago is my friend's neighbor. They live on the same floor of a 16-storey building. According to my friend, he is a total asshole and I'd communicate guardedly with him. Now I'm so glad that I called the police and all circumstances are documented.

Well, I think this is a quite positive note to finish my story.


See you around,




I recognise that bear!! So glad he made it to your Christmas tree to help brighten up you days!!!

Yes, he survived 😊😊😊 I didn't comment but it was so nice to see Mary ans Snowpea helping you to decorate the Christmas Tree ❤️

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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Thanks! 😉

Hey @zirochka, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Very cute christmas decoration. Have a nice peacefull christmas, I hope all your wishes come true. @zirochka

Thanks so much, dear @florian-glechner

Beautiful Christmas tree. Very different from typical styles here in America. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas, as much peace as can be found (given the times and events in your homeland), and hope you know that you and all Ukrainians are in our hearts and thoughts.

Blessed Be.

I appreciate your kind words and your support.
Happy holidays!


@zirochka sent you LUV 🙂 (1/1)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Loving the artwork on your friend's wall!

Oh! sorry nice tree as well. Enjoy as best you can this time of year

По фото відчувається, що Новий рік вже близько ;-)
А ще помічаєш речі, які є у тебе вдома і як дитина: "О, і у мене таке саме" ;-)
Наприклад, дощик на вашій ялинці або гноми: червоний біля оленятка та сірий
В мене теж наряджена штучна ялинка, але вже пару років діти самі її наряджають - це поки ще живуть з нами

В мене дома ялинки нема, на жаль (((
В кінці на фото - це жива ялинка вдома у товариша. ми з товаришкою ходили до нього в гості її прикрашати ) Вийшло дуже гарно! Тепер от думаю, що робити із домашньою. Штучну не зможу сама дістати, а що купити, і чи купувати - поки не вирішила. І часу нема ((

Штучну не зможу сама дістати
В мене така ж ситуація. Штучна ялинка завжди в кінці підвалу завалена і якби прийшлось жінці діставати, то вона б було в такій же ситуації ;-)
Тепер от думаю, що робити із домашньою.
Можна гірляндами та дощиками прикрасити навколишні предмети, щоб була атмосфера свята

Можна гірляндами та дощиками прикрасити навколишні предмети, щоб була атмосфера свята

Доведеться мабуть. Але все-таки маю нідаю знайти таку маленьку "ялинку" з гілочок хоча б. Або станеться чудо і чоловік приїде перед Різдвом ))

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