Uber’s CEOs resignation hints at Jobs complex.

in #uber8 years ago

Travis Kalanick recent resignation came as a surprise to some and a long simmering hatred of many of the “Bro Culture” that permeates Silicon Valley. I think that really it speaks to Travis’ view that he is the heart of Uber and that only he can take it to the level that it needs to go. The resignation is simply his way of stepping aside so the controversy settles down while remaining on the board. He will be active in helping them board find a suitable John Sculleyish replacement with a strong operational mindset and most likely female. This new CEO will step into a shit show that will include a mass exodus of male staff and be filled with a diverse and homogenous culture of women, minorities and others that will play well in the media. I hear that Marissa Meyer is looking for a gig. The new focus of UBER will be homogeny and Lyft will gain huge momentum as UBER’s product starts to falter. Waiting in the wings will be Travis. He will be doing his mandated sensitivity training, maybe join a Yoga studio and become more active in Women’s rights issues all as he waits for the board to realize that they need to change course and take UBER back to it’s roots. Travis will resist at first, he has to, and then eventually will give in to the pressure of the large shareholders to retake the helm and try and bring UBER into 2.1. Just wait and see.