Universal Basic Income Coming to South Africa?

in #ubi14 days ago

Universal basic income is an idea that has been spread around for years now with many who dream of one day getting to quit their job and still get continual pay, through a UBI, that would enable them to do other things with their time that they value.

Where is the money going to come from?

If the state is simply going to print the money then what is that going to mean for an expanded money pool? Could this lead to more inflation in the future? If prices go up this way then are they going to continually adjust the UBI for people so that they can keep up with inflation? If they quit their jobs and get UBI and then that check doesn't keep up with inflation, it might be a terrible time for many to then again scramble to find employment that can help them to survive.

It looks like South Africa could be one region that tries it before others who have also toyed with the plan.

Previously, polls have found that many Americans support such an idea, as do many other people around the world. But not much thought might be put into where that money is coming from and what the process might mean for purchasing power and inflation in the future. Is it a recipe for a disaster? Is it needed for the expansion of AI into industries around the world that many fear might displace thousands of jobs? It might not be that much longer before we start to see these policies rolled out in certain areas of the world perhaps.


...and where can you spend that UBI-money/currency? Can you only buy GMO-Food in 15 Minutes-Cities with UBI-money/currency?
Bless Up

lmfao only in your 15 min region and only on cricket bars