Dana White wants to move UFC events to Texas

in #ufc4 years ago

Unless you are living in a cave and avoiding all news (the second one would probably be a good idea but it's tough to get on the internet in a cave) you have heard that there are a few states in USA that are completely lifting all Covid bans by executive order from their governors. I'll leave the argument about whether or not this is a good idea to other people because after over a year of being subjected to this shit, I honestly don't care anymore. I have more of a Rocky 4 "if he dies, he dies" attitude towards the whole thing and if that makes me a bad person than so be it.

With Texas being one of the states that is removing all restrictions Dana White was quick to jump on board and suggest that they would like to start having events there, which is something they have already done in the past anyway.


UFC pulls massive crowds. I have toyed with the idea of attending and event or two but when I would look at how much even the seats in the way back of the arena cost, I quickly backed down because I would be so far away from the Octagon that I would have to watch the fight on a jumbotron despite being there. My TV in my house is kind of like a miniature jumbotron, so I'll just watch it there and save the $300 plus parking fees.

Dana White technically could have held UFC events in Texas and other places like Florida in the past few months as at least Texas was allowing up to 50% attendance levels. However, White has said that he will never have a live event at anything other than 100% capacity being available and he has been true to his word. There is probably some concern about being blacklisted by certain companies due to covid-political reasons as well, which is why he backed off when he was considering hosting packed UFC events on Native-American reservations about a year ago. Reservations are not subject to USA laws or restrictions, which is why all of them always have a casino regardless of how small the reservation actually is.


I have been enjoying the fact that fights have continued on fight island and whatever the arenas in Florida and Las Vegas are called, but there is no denying the fact that a lot of the ambiance is lost without the thousands of screaming fans in attendance. Some of the post-fight victories seem a bit silly when a guy jumps the fence to wave or flex to absolutely nobody.

I think that White is in a very unique position to take advantage of this because the UFC is one of the organizations that is kind of cancel-culture proof. Their advertisers tend to be supplements, upcoming films, video games, restaurants, and liquor, so I don't think that the threat of removing sponsorship money is really going to impact the UFC's decision here.

That doesn't mean that politics wont play a part because politics is part of everything in USA right now. I do think that if anyone could pull it off without being concerned about the potential backlash, it would be the UFC. Other organizations that have succumbed to social pressure such as well, really any other sport, has faced huge backlash from the public in the way of diminished viewership and therefor revenue. UFC has "sat this one out" in regards to all of that and they are one of the few sports (in USA) that has actually grown in popularity. UFC kept their nose out of all of it including BLM and kneeling for the national anthem etc and this has helped them.

Personally, I would love to see full stadiums at these events. The fighters would probably like to see it as well and here's to hoping that Dana actually has the guts to go ahead and do it. The cancel-culture people probably don't even watch UFC anyway because they are likely too busy having circular political arguments on FB and Twitter to be involved in being fans of sports anyway.


Some of the post-fight victories seem a bit silly when a guy jumps the fence to wave or flex to absolutely nobody.

That is so true. I also think that it changed the game plan, lots more clinch and ground work, and less pressure to deliver.

Personally I think the UFC has gotten too big for its britches and has been screwing fighters for way too long.

There's a lot of truth inside your statement there. When I look at what the organization takes in (millions upon millions) and then see that some of the fighters on the lower cards are getting paid something crazy low like 20,000 USD I wonder how these lower level fighters are even able to pay their bills. They train too much to have another job (or at least I think that is the case)

And then the cancels of any fighter sponsorship which was pretty much the only lifeblood that these fighters were allowed to make...

And then add insult to injury let's sell the bras panties and shorts of the fighters for a huge markup.

Honestly enough upper management is scamming all of these young fighters.

You really don't make much of anything unless you're a headliner. And even then those guys really are getting way less than other promotions are offering however the UFC happens to have a larger market share unfortunately.

You got me thinking about this and I found this wonderful article that is also a bit sad when you think about how much the fighters put into trying to make it to the top.


I saw the payouts for UFC 259 were published and 6 of the fighters in the PPV made less than $20,000. If you are lucky as a lower level fighter (IE, not in the top 10) you maybe get like 4 fights a year. Once you take out all the fees and expenses that come along with being a fighter (not to mention taxes) most college graduates who work in a cubicle probably take home more money per year than a fighter in the biggest MMA promotion in the world. Also, once UFC is done with them and throws them out, they likely have a lifetime of chronic injuries and potential brain damage from repeated concussions.

Joe Rogan and Bruce Buffer probably take home more money than 90% of the fighters on the UFC roster. Actually I just looked it up and Bruce Buffer makes $100,000 per event and never has to get kicked in the head and he does every major event.

No wonder Rousey is happier over at stupid WWE and has shown little interest in ever returning to MMA.

Yep quite a transfer of wealth to the individuals who do nothing and the people who actually put on the show get completely robbed.

Yep some big changes need to happen. Or other promotions are going to take over