in #uganda6 years ago


Did you know that beyond the internet you are all familiar with lives the DARK WEB.. yes i said the dark web,
About the name it believe it totally speaks for itself.

The Dark Web mystery of the Internet that has existed for as long as the internet ever existed. but before going further.
you might be having questions like .

What is the dark Web?
Who invented the Dark Web?
Why is it that you have never Hard of it?
Why is it that people take it less seriously?

And perhaps you still have a lot of questions to ask about the dark simple explanation to you would be in this simple statements.

The dark web is a hidden portion of the internet that can only be accessed using special software.

Special Software!! yeah i said special software called Tor browser.. this is special browse that allows you to search the all internet with hidden identity i mean your path or IP address cannot be detected. call it a more VPN based browser but with powerful privacy functionality..

The mystery of the dark web go beyond it being hidden but this is place where thousands of people trade thousands and millions of dollars in. The trading of guns, weed and marijuana has been evident on the dark web and is by far the most rewarding business.

On the dark web people trade anonymously. i mean you don't know Wu you are buying. no pictures of them. no contact only especial unique code is assigned to every user on the market with a good to trade.


The beauty with the dark web is your goods are always delivered , But how are these even delivered yet you don't know who you trade with. well, it is said that the dark web has the best if not the most outstanding transaction system where the buyer pays money for a good and the seller ships the product to the user. the seller is then paid after satisfactory reply from the buyer is made.

Alot of illegal activities take place on the dark web but most of them can never be tracked down by any government since the dark web trades in crypto currencies like Bitcoin.

While alot of the population spend alot of there time on the internet, called surface web, deep down lies the dark web that can only be accessed using the Tor browsers. it is alot more easier to access the dark web now days using the tor browser, and the dark web is certainly where you want to be right now perhaps you are missing alot ..

but stay warned the dark eb is mysterious, with alot of very good intelligent Computer geeks, trading on it is ta your own risk and prohibited by most governments..

Bitcoin is used as the primary currency but the rest are used as well..

To get started with the dark web follow the simple steps.

Download Tor

checkout the darkweb links

goodluck as you enjoy the dark web..