Engadget Trending News

in #ui1bwl76h4 years ago

AT&T and Comcast improve internet access in response to COVID-19

"With so many people in the US working and learning from home, as offices and schools close in response to the coronavirus pandemic, internet service providers (ISPs) are beginning to react. Comcast is increasing internet speeds for low-income users, and AT&T …"


リマインダー共有すれば複数人でタスク管理が簡単に!:iPhone Tips

" やるべきことをリストにし、管理しやすくする「リマインダー」。実は作成したリマインダーは、他のユーザーと共有できることをご存知でしょうか。リマインダーの管理に参加すれば誰でも新規作成や実行済みの操作が行えるようになります。"



" 茶渋がつかないマグカップ「MEISHEN」おすすめポイント ナノ釉掛け(くすりがけ)技術採用で茶渋がつかず、水/お湯のみで洗浄可能 コーヒー、紅茶、ワインなどほぼ全ての飲料に対応 茶こし付きで片付けスムーズ 緻密性の高い素材採用で、高い保温性を実現 人間工学デザイン採用の疲れない持ち手 一度ついてしまうと落とすのが面倒な茶渋、、"


MSI's PS42 Modern entry-level gaming laptop is on sale for $830

" If you've been thinking of investing in an entry-level gaming laptop, now might be the time. The MSI PS42 Modern is on sale on Newegg for $830. That's a $770 savings off of the machine's original price, and it's closer to the price you'd usually see..."


NCAA cancels March Madness over coronavirus pandemic

" The NCAA will not crown a basketball champion this year. Just one day after it said it would restrict attendance at upcoming Division 1 men and women's basketball tournaments, the NCAA has officially cancelled those events, as well as all of its remaining win…"


'Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp' gets a 'New Horizons' crossover event

"Nintendo is determined to build up hype for Animal Crossing: New Horizons ahead of its March 20th debut, and that includes bringing a taste of the game to the modern Animal Crossing game you can already play. It just kicked off a New Horizons crossover event …"


ピョンピョン跳んでボールをシュート!2Dサッカー『Holy Shoot』:発掘!スマホゲーム

" 【連載:発掘!スマホゲーム】 星の数ほどあるスマホゲームの中から、話題になっているもの、気になったもの、何か面白そう、そんなタイトルをひたすらご紹介していきます! 今回ご紹介するのは『Holy Shoot』です。 発掘!スマホゲーム連載一覧 『Holy Shoot』はMetajoyより配信中の2Dアクションゲーム。ドリブルやボールコントロール不要で、2vs2の破茶滅茶なサッカーが楽しめます。"



" 撮影した時間に合わせ、GPSログから場所情報(ジオタグ)を書き込むことができるのが、「GPS-CS3K」。"


'Guild Wars 2' defies the odds for online RPGs with a third expansion

" Guild Wars 2 has been one of the most resilient online RPGs to date -- it has persisted for nearly eight years despite competition from heavyweights like World of Warcraft, not to mention its own challenges. And it appears that the game has plenty o..."


Epic buys the company behind God of War's facial animations

" Fortnite developer Epic Games has acquired a company called Cubic Motion. While it's not a household name, you've almost certainly seen the company's tech at work if you've played games like God of War and Marvel's Spider-Man. They create tools that allow dev…"

