Injured "Rebel" soldier tells why Ukraine is at war with its self

in #ukraine6 years ago

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Very interesting. Those western countries that uncritically support the Kiev junta fail to acknowledge the mass demonstrations going on across the country calling for Ukraine's president Poroshenko to resign.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's armed forces are relying upon weapons from the U.S. and soviet era weapons/ammunition from Poland and Lithuania.
These countries are facilitating Ukraine's war against its own people as it does not have any ammo factories of its own. According to the Kiev Times in November 2017 Lithuania provided, ''Ukraine with weapons to the value of 1.93 million Euros, including 7,000 Kalashnikovs, 2 million cartridges, and also mortars, and anti-tank units.''

Why are there no sanctions against Lithuania and Poland for enabling the killing of civilians on a daily basis?

excellent publication and informative about the soldier who explains why they are at war. God save you

deep sadness when we must fight brothers. ukraine one of them and a lot of small countries with abundant crops in the conflict created by the large countries who want something that is in the tiny nation.

Thanks for giving us updates

Resteem and upvote

Great contribution to the community my friend.

Wow, I did not know why I was at war. RESTEEMEADO

Thanks, friend, for updating us. I'm always looking for your publications