Ulogs}>>>003---->>my song "SURAT CINTA UNTUK STARLA"

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


  Hi steemians best friend uloggers everything, meet me again @arismunanda

How is everyone? May we all remain under the mighty,
Hi all friends, at #ulogs} >> 003 me @arismunanda will cheer my friends #uloggers all with a song from indonesian boy titled "SURAT CINTA UNTUK STARLA"
Hopefully my friends uloggers are all entertained, enjoy

 Okay friends #ulogs all thanks for watching ,,, hope you all amused ,,,

Best regard to @surpassinggoogle / @ulogs, @uloggers and @good-karma
And success to
#ulog, #ulogs, #untalented, #untalented-singsong, #teardrops, #steemgigs, #steemsecret and #esteem

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Taga saan ka bro???.