ULOG #19 | Challenging Days | Minimalist-Design ULOGGER Footers

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

"As long as we live we will continually experience Challenges in life, and our response unto it will determine if Challenges will 'break us' or 'make us' a better person."

I'm back after almost a Week! These past few days are very challenging to me in different aspects of my life, that it had an effect on me on making a #ULOG post. And I need to be happy! Why? I have an opportunity to Grow from these "Challenges" -- my vitamins.

I can relate to what @surpassinggoogle experienced, last Sunday my Dad was rushed to Philippine Heart Center in Q.C., Manila due to a Heart Attack, and guest what? It happened while I'm Preaching the Word of God at our Church near our House. Imagine, while I'm preaching the Word of God I'm also thinking of what's happening to my Dad. But, I need to stay calm and continue Preaching the Word knowing that God is moving and He will not let something worst to happen. I trusted Him whole heartedly, praying that He will Heal my Dad.

After Sunday Celebration I went to the Hospital and checked the condition of my Dad. He undergone Angioplasty Surgery and survived. The Doctor said to Dad, "Buti umabot ka pa ng buhay?" (You're blessed, you arrived alive). Indeed, when we put our trust unto the Lord He will never fail us, He will do what He promised. My Dad is recovering and will undergo Physical Theraphy. What's amazing is the fact that this was his 3rd life, 2nd Heart Attack and the Lord did the same thing He did when he was first rushed to the Hospital and undergone surgery, He Healed and Protected my Dad from death.

It reminds me of Joshua 1:9,

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Thank you for spending your time reading this post!

"I thank my God every time I remember you." (Phil. 1:3)

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