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RE: Balloons, cake, singing! Ulog 19

in #ulog6 years ago

A belated happy birthday lovely, as I continue to catch up with my post reading :) I like your life lessons so far... in fact I may just print them out so I can quietly get to working on them a bit more myself. But I'm absolutely with you on the not looking back - just being present and looking forward.

Here's to the next wonderful year, my lovely friend.
E xx


Thank you love! I so appreciated this comment and your precious part of the post! deep sigh ..... and.... another deep sigh

Filled! That's how I feel! hehehehehe filled to the brim and overflowing. So much love sent to you, wild swim girl! <3

Love received, doubled and sent right back 😚

Love received, doubled and sent right back 😚