My Daily Ulog: Attending Testimonial Dinner in My Alma Mater

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello Steemit Community! I hope everyone are feeling well. Today I want to share with you my experience during the event I have attended.

I was invited to a "Testimonial Dinner" in my Alma Mater. I'm a member of PSA-Paulinian Student Assistant, an organization for working student in my Alma Mater and every year a testimonial dinner is conducted which serves as a celebration to those scholars who graduated every school year. Its our tradition as working scholars to celebrate everytime there is someone who graduated . And as alumnus working student, we are invited in the said event.


I have been contacted by my co -alumnus to join with them and attend to the event. We are more than 10 alumni who attend the "Testimonial Dinner" .



During the event, fresh graduate working student give speech about sacrifices during their journey as a working student while studying. We heard different kind stories of survival as working student.

My Journey As Working Student

During my college days, I've been struggling on where to get my allowance to support my daily needs in school. My parents gave me allowance but still not enough. As a working student, I have to look for a way to survive. Since I was stay in at the school, after every class, I do scavenging. I collect plastic bottle in every trashcans in school and sell it the other day.

Sometime our school became a venue for lisensure exam, we are waiting until the exam finished and if the examinees are already gone, we roam around and look for left over foods. We do it everytime there is exam. That's my life in as working student in college. Though its hard, I have to do it for me to support my daily needs in school.

I finished college through the help of my family, co-working scholars, the school and the experience I have gathered as working student. Besides of all things that I have go through, I survive and graduated.

I am so very thankful, I learn a lot of things as a working student. I learn how to stand on my on feet. It taught me to be strong in whatever trials I face in life.


We heard a lot of sacrifices and inspiration stories from the scholars. The School President also give his speech to show how he love his working students. The event encourage all working student to pursue their studies and not to lose hope in fulfilling their dreams.

To wrap up the event has been successful, full of inspiration and word of encougement. It's nice to be back in my Alma Mater who give me hope in achieving my dreams in life.

Till my next post, have a good day!

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What a fun experience. Thanks for sharing @jasonabejero.

Nice and pretty!