ulog_016/thanks #ulog and @surpassinggoogle

in #ulog6 years ago


thank you #ulog and @surpassinggoogle has been an inspiration to everyone. and I participate in #ulog in sharing my story and see the post friends who also make the story there is a lot of science I take from the post in #ulogitalic


for #ulog I accidentally brought paper and markers to write my gratitude to #ulog and @surpassinggoogle. which as many and my friends also participate for my photos and we photographed each other let the picture can be seen by a friend #ulog and steemian all my friends who photo @vrossi I thank for him too


Okay friends #ulog this whole thing my experience today in #ulogs me ~ 016 hopefully useful friends,
Continue to support @surpassinggoogle to be number one in #steemit,
My greetings to him,
Success continues #ulog. #ulogs. #teardrops. #steemgigs and #untalented,
Oya @good-karma in #esteem is also a friend,

To vote for my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses.

If you want @surpassinggoogle to make a vote on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for the proxy.


thank @pratamaa for advice and criticisms for tonight and I hope there's also #ulog and @surpassinggoogle for me to take advantage of