
@crystalliu purchased a 90.28% vote from @promobot on this post.

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 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

@crystalliu purchased a 94.93% vote from @promobot on this post.

*If you disagree with the reward or content of this post you can purchase a reversal of this vote by using our curation interface

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

@crystalliu purchased a 92.95% vote from @promobot on this post.

*If you disagree with the reward or content of this post you can purchase a reversal of this vote by using our curation interface

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

@crystalliu purchased a 93.75% vote from @promobot on this post.

*If you disagree with the reward or content of this post you can purchase a reversal of this vote by using our curation interface

spam, copy/paste (same image as profile "photo"), bid bot abuse @steemflagrewards