United States is moments away from war with Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah and desperately wants the EU to join them

in #united4 years ago (edited)

United States carried out an illegal aerial bombardment with their drones in both Syria and Iraq, against the same groups who fought against and defeated isis/daesh. Why is that latter statement relevant? Because both the EU and US are condemning Turkey for their attacks against the Kurdish militias, because "these are the people who fought isis/daesh".

Iran already expressed their dismay and called the strikes a 'Clear Example of Terrorism'.

Hezbollah itself has always been a group which divided the West, both English and the United States' seemingly unconditional support for Israel, made them label Hezbollah as "a terrorist group", while most of the world does not share that sentiment.

Hezbollah is known for their role in defeating the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006 and their involvement with Syrian and Russian soldiers in defeating isis/daesh and other "moderate" Sharia law implementing terror groups in Syria.