Another attempt in Drawing

in #untalented6 years ago

Hi there! So uhm, I tried drawing something last night, it’s not pretty or good, I tried but I’m, well I suppose drawing isn’t really for me. I love to draw, even when I’m younger, it kinda is my dream but art hates me I guess haha we never get along. I will always have this urge to draw something specially at night before I sleep even though I wasn’t good at it. And last night was one of those nights and I want to share it here. Please don't be mad at me, I don't have any knowledge on proper strokes or fill or basically in any drawing guidelines. 😔 I can’t even find a bond paper so I just drawn on my journal, sorry about that. If you can give me some tips and advice, I’ll gladly have it. 😊 Thanks in advance!

I forgot to take a picture when I was just starting,

I colored the lips with a pink lip liner, I just want to see the result and its bad I think.
And I colored the eyes with brown eye liner too, what did I do?! I even made a mess, I'm never doing it again. 😅


Thanks for dropping by! Love lots 💖

#steemitfamilyph #drawing #busy #loveforarts #philippines



Beautifull art i like it so much ...keep it up dear

Thank you so much for such encouraging comment. 😊 I appreciate it!

It's about being creative and practicing to achieve greatness!

I can't even draw a circle haha

Thank you! Haha, Im definitely practicing but greatness is still so far away. Thanks for dropping by 😊

I miss drawing, i used to have a notebook full of art. Keep drawing @jhiecortez.

thank you!