Storm coming

in #untalented6 years ago


Mr. Weatherman says; a very strong storm is coming,
Brace yourself and prepare for the worst,
Check the roofs, the posts, drainage and all,
Stock food and medicine and batteries,
Prepare and be alert at all times.

Impending calamities reverberate,
People prepare and pray,
Radios blurting in schools and offices, everywhere,
Be home at once, family gathers
And talk about the coming storm.

At nightfall, the storm rages in the land,
Trembling trees, electric posts, flying roofs,
Howling wind and the rains pour,
Rivers overflow and race to the streets,
Blackout and the screams of the victims.

Among the pages lies the message,
Impending doom and wrath of the Creator,
Big and final storm is brewing elsewhere,
Firestorm will rain everywhere,
But, who listens and prepares?

Noah's ark and the Great Flood,
Eight survivors; today in the last days,
And Noah's ark
Yes, we will survive the final storm,
Only if we listen and belong.



Always keepnsafe and alert

When will it be?

It's just a poem sir. Napapanahon lang po. Anung malay naten one day it will happen.