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in #untalentedtv6 years ago

The story starts small but the history involved, is big. We will create a viral video portal, filling it with the "attempts at out-of-the-boxness" of the world. 

We want to celebrate those "attempts" too. The unfinished art, the off-key singing, the mid-stop ideas etc

Overall, everynoblething thing that constitute "human", we want to celebrate.

We can now do this also with UntalentedTV. There is sense in nonsense
Dirt is good, ask the soap master.
We can sift even the not-so-good (in the case of human) to find good therein or testimonial use for good.

We want to incite everyone to "attempt". Relegate reservations. Flaws allowed.

Eventually we will go into the real world, in game-shows and reality-TV-shows etc that are actually real. Without the need for rehearsals and we "no losers".

Yes, "everyone" can win something and no, our life's don't always have to depend on another person's yes.

There is room for UntalentedTV in the world and in this timely moment as the world itself is shifting in its paradigms, for it is returning back down-to-earth and leaving outer-space.

Innovation, fiction etc is attaining a cap. It is becoming the "unreal", that it actually has been and the painted world, "oh we are removing the paint".

We will soon be receiving video contributions to UntalentedTV from steemians and certified @uloggers globally as we seek to fill the spaces with this breed of real content. 

We can give "everyone and anyone" room, for if we eliminate bum, average or smart, we are suddenly all genius.

Kindly subscribe to UntalentedTV on YouTube in advance and please turn on notifications too. See direct URL below:


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